Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer is a great tool for anyone who wants to preview Half-Life engine models in various formats. It's easy to use and has a lot of features, including the ability to open hand models, play animation sequences, compile and decompile model files, and view models wireframed, smooth-shaded, or textured. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to get a better look at Half-Life engine models.
Jed's Half-Life Model Viewer is a program designed to preview Half-Life-engine models. This program is based on Chumbalum Soft's Half-Life Model Viewer, but with several improvements. The first one is that this program can handle the new texture features of the improved Half-Life engine. It also includes a new interface with several new options, so your viewing becomes more complete. There is a new Weapons-Origins tab where you can preview hand models and their animation sequences. You can also compile and decompile a model file so you can use it in a modeling program and edit it. It also includes all the features that HLMV had, such as displaying a model wireframed, smooth-shaded or textured. You can view model's animation sequences and also the textures attached to it. The author also claims to have removed some small bugs from the original, although this were minor because the original didn't have many bugs. For Mod developers that are using the new HL engine rules, then this is the program they should have to preview their models.